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Difference Between Violin and Viola

Hi everyone, in this video I explain the differences between the violin and viola.

The differences can be explained in 2 different ways: physical and stylistic.

Here is a short breakdown of my explanation:

  1. The viola is bigger and every orchestra has a section of them.
  2. Violas are measured in inches and violins are measured in "sizes": 4/4, 3/4, 1/2 etc.
  3. A viola's lowest string (C) is a 5th lower than a violin (G).
  4. The violas strings are: C, G, D, A
  5. The violins strings are: G, D, A, E
  6. Stylistically, violas tend to play more melodic music, instead of fast, virtuosic music that is common with the solo violin.